Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sally Twinkle Mansfield

Sally (Sallie) Twinkle (Twinkles) Haberdasherie (Haberdashers) Mansfield, Nottinghamshire

Never have I ever been to such a rude business.  It was like they didn't even want my custom!  It's also worth pointing out that the Shop 'Assistants' are all over the age of 60 & should know better manners, especially as I heard one of them criticising the youth of today!

First, I arrived 40 minutes before closing for them to shout at me that they were closing, to which I quoted their opening hours at them.  They then barked that they cashed up in 30 minutes.

I asked to look at things, and asked where the ribbons were, to be pointed at in a direction.  I went there but she then shouted at me saying I'd have to ask a staff member if I wanted to look at them, so I asked her again for her to tell me they weren't available to look at from any closer.

I then asked to look at feathers, asking if they'd have packed ones.  I was, again, shouted at 'no' but she brought out a selection of loose feathers begrudgingly.  I asked for the navy ones to be shouted at 'THEY'RE BLACK' even though they clearly aren't, in any kind of light.  

I asked for a 1/2m of a fabric, standard practise to be told they would only sell me a 1m, & as they cut it they started bitching about me in earshot.

Then I went to pay to be told I had to have the right change.  I said I didn't and she shouted at me again, before saying she would have to process it this time.  I offered 6p as well as the payment so the change was just a 50p coin but she barked that it wouldn't be of use.

I said to another woman working there that it was like a sweet shop, and that I wish I'd come earlier to browse, to which she grunted.

Then as I was leaving I spotted the feathers she previously said they didn't have and went to have a look, about to touch them when she shouted 'WE'RE CLOSED' at me even though it was 15 minutes before closing.  I went to leave and she tutted at me.

The only thing I can think of is that they want their business to go down the toilet, clearly never receiving lessons in customer care or manners!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Let's Get Things Started

Win 2 Children's tickets to see any 2D film at Cineworld!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The tickets will come in the form of Online Booking Codes which you can use on

If you don't want to use Rafflecopter, follow @JacquesKenBarb on Twitter and tweet
Win 2 Child's Cineworld Tickets at  #win #competition #competwition, courtesy of @JacquesKenBarb


This Blog is to document the day to day life of the world I live in, and general ramblings about rambling topics.  Expect posts about Music, Food, TV and knobs encountered on public transport.